SHOWS 2021
"I am my brother's keeper", Digital art, ART BASEL, Lora's Collectors Club, Basel, Switzerland, from (September 22 to September 25)
TLC Performance Residency, Writing/Music/Visual arts/VJing , Théâtre Pitoëff, Geneva, Switzerland (August 2021)
TLC Performance, Visual arts/Writing/Music with musician Mathieu Rossignelly and dancer Sabine La Lupa, Villa Dutoit, Geneva, Switzerland (June 4th 2021)
SHOWS 2020
Show URBAN POETRY, BLACK AND YELLOW, Genève, Switzerland (October 29th to December 31st 2020)
SHOWS 2019
Show THE ARTBOX.PROJECT Zürich 1.0, SWISSARTEXPO, Zürich, Switzerland (15th to 19th August 2019)
Small Works 2019 Online Exhibition, Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, U.S.A (June 2019)
Residency Orpheus, Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière, France (January to March 2019)
SHOWS 2018
Kölner, VR Video and photography creations, Redpath Media, Frankfurt, Germany (July 16th to 20th 2018)
Show VR photography, Schloss Biebrich, Wiesbaden, Germany (June 2018)
Chez Monet Part 1, TLC Project, Dialogue Visual arts/Writing/Music with painter Jean-Pierre Rick and musicians Mathieu Rossignelly and Marco Rojas, La Muraz, France (July 1st 2018)
Finalist photography contest, THIN LINE FESTIVAL, Denton (TX), USA (April 18th to 22nd 2018)
Show THE ARTBOX.PROJECT New York 1.0, ARMORY ARTWEEKS NEW YORK, NYC, USA (March 5th to 16th 2018)
MNP Part 1, TLC Project, Dialogue Visual arts/Writing/Music with painter Jean-Pierre Rick and musician Mathieu Rossignelly, Geneva, Switzerland (January 6th 2018)
SHOWS 2017
Show « Portraits », Villa Dutoit, Petit-Saconnex, Switzerland (September 15th to October 8th 2017)
Show THE ARTBOX.PROJECT Basel 1.0, Basel art weeks, Basel, Switzerland (June 14th to 18th 2017)
Show TID (Translation is Dialogue), Bokvilla Gallery, Helsinki, Finland (March 12th to 31st 2017)
Workshop TID (Translation is Dialogue), Kääntöpaikka, Helsinki, Finland (March 23rd to 26th 2017)
Workshop TID (Translation is Dialogue), Bokvilla Gallery, Helsinki, Finland (March 19th 2017)
Show and workshop TID (Translation is Dialogue), Käännöksessä, à Annantalo, Helsinki, Finland (March 5th 2017)
Show « When Language meets art », LHUCA, Lubbock, USA (until January 28th 2017)
SHOWS 2016
Show « When Language meets art », LHUCA, Lubbock, USA
Show « Frankenstein », Campus Biotech, Geneva, Switzerland
Show « Frankenstein », Galerie Andata Ritorno, Geneva, Switzerland
Show « Frankenstein », Fondation Brocher, Hermance, Switzerland
Show « Cartes postales », Villa Dutoit, Petit-Saconnex, Switzerland
NNE Part 3, Dialogue Visual arts/Writing/Music with painter Nathan Williams and musician Edem, Princeton, U.S.A
NNE Part 2, Dialogue Visual arts/Writing/Music with painterNathan Williams and musician Evaristo Perez, New York, USA
NNE Part 1, Dialogue Visual arts/Writing/Music with painter Nathan Williams and musician Evaristo Perez, Geneva, Switzerland