
What if Shakespeare was wrong?

It’s gonna be hard,
that’s what they said.
Life is just a stupid tale.
It’s gonna be hard,
there’s no bargain.
We’re idiots on our way to hell! 

People are so mean,
they’ll be humming,
while you’ll wander in darkness.
People are so mean,
they’ll be clapping,
if your heart breaks into pieces! 

All them witches whistling,
whirling up around your ears.
All them brothers breathing
the air coming from your tears.
Hate in bubbles, fates in gambles,
life is tough and then you die! 

But, what if Shakespeare was wrong?
What if life was like a song?
Not so sad, not so mad,
but a rhythm in our mind.
Could be done, could be fun,
you and me under the sun… 

Beware, you may fall,
hard on the floor,
if you try to fly too high.
Beware of the wall,
and the back door,
there’s no way out of the grey sky!

All them witches whistling,
Whirling up around your ears.
All them brothers breathing
the air coming from your tears.
Hate in bubbles, fates in gambles,
life is tough and then you die!

But, what if Shakespeare was wrong?
What if life was like a song?
Not so sad, not so mad,
But a rhythm in our mind.
Could be done, could be fun,
You and me under the sun…

Lyrics of "What if Shakespeare was wrong?" by Nejda, for the band PapasRojas
Lyrics : Nejda © Suisa 2012, Music : Marco Rojas for PapasRojas